Every week until WM26 on Sunday, Mar 28, I'll make updates to the card and my predictions as to who will win and why.
WrestleMania 26 announced matches:
WWE Championship: Batista (c) vs. John Cena
Who will win? John Cena. My guess is this will be the last match of the night so WWE typically likes to send its WrestleMania crowd home happy with a face victory.
Who should win? Batista. Cena's had the title several times over the past year. He's always a solid champion and torchbearer for the company, but Batista's new heel persona is really catching fire. I'd love to see him get a longer run.
World Heavyweight Championship: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Edge

Not much to report from this past week. Edge and Jericho's build up has been getting better but Batista/Cena is clearly the headlining main event for WM26.
Who will win? Chris Jericho. Along with CM Punk and Batista, Jericho is one of the biggest and best heels in WWE. He's earned a longer run with the World title than the 6 weeks between Elimination Chamber and WM26.
Who should win? Chris Jericho. Despite winning the Royal Rumble, Edge will come up short on this one and chase Jericho for a few more months.
Streak vs. Career - No Count-out, No DQ: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker
Plenty of antagonizing and one upsmanship going on over the past week. HBK picked up a good win over the Undertaker's brother, Kane, on RAW. Was that his last match on Monday night ever?
Who will win? Undertaker. The WrestleMania undefeated streak of 16-0 is his biggest legacy. HBK respects him too much to take that away.
Who should win? Undertaker. As much as it pains me to say it, HBK's career will end at WrestleMania. Yeah, probably not. But at least Shawn can take a few months off to spend time with his family and heal some injuries. Then he'll be back in time for SummerSlam!
No Holds Barred Match: Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. Vince McMahon
Bret's inability to cut a promo really was laid out this week. He was never the greatest talker, but he could hold his own. Almost 10 years out of the business would make anyone rusty though. Hopefully, he can still perform physically without creating any sort of injury this Sunday. Vince need to prepare for a beating but he's also got to carry this match.
Who will win? Bret "Hitman" Hart. This seems like a no brainer. Why would he sign a contract only to be humiliated again by the person who turned his life on its head 13 years ago?
Who should win? Bret "Hitman" Hart. Time to bury all the demons and lay the Vince-Bret feud behind us once and for all.
Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Christian vs. Kane vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Jack Swagger vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. MVP vs. vs. Matt Hardy vs. Evan Bourne vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston
A final 10th entrant earned a spot on Monday night and it was none other than Kofi Kingston. Unfortunately, that drops Christian down another peg on his overall chances. With 10 guys in the MITB match, expect a lot of chaos but also a lot of guys writing around on the floor as two or three guys set up their big spots.
Who will win? Not sure, but here's how I rank their overall chances: 1. Drew McIntyre; 2. Kofi Kingston; 3. Christian; 4. Kane; 5. MVP; 6. Jack Swagger; 7. Matt Hardy; 8. Shelton Benjamin; 9. Dolph Ziggler; 10. Evan Bourne.
Who should win? Christian. He was exiled for a year to ECW and now Christian is ready to hit the big stage. Please please please, Vince, won't you give Christian a chance?
Triple H vs. Sheamus
More good lead in for this match on Monday. Sheamus has been dominant as of late so hopefully he can ride this momentum into WM. Thumbs up to Triple H for taking a lower spot on the card to help elevate one of the younger guys.Who will win? Sheamus. Triple H has been much more flexible about putting younger guys over these days (see: Jeff Hardy). Sheamus will win, but it probably won't be clean.
Who should win? Sheamus. Since WWE took the time to put the WWE title on this guy for a few months this year, they're looking to invest more into him. A win for Triple H does nothing for him. A win for Sheamus at WrestleMania against the Cerebral Assassin...well that's something you can brag about all year long.
Unified Tag Team Championship: The Miz and Big Show (c) vs. John Morrison and R-Truth
Looks to be an entertaining match for WM. Hopefully they don't push it to a dark match before the actual show starts like last year. Having Big Show and R-Truth on commentary was a nice touch. Watching Morrison and Miz go at it on Monday, I thought to myself that these two are probably going to be the future of WWE.
Who will win? Show Miz. The Miz is on a roll with the Big Show at his side. No need to stop this team in its tracks. Plus, it gives Big Show something important to do for another couple months.
Who should win? Show Miz. Again, The Miz is developing into one of the better jerk heels on RAW so let's see where this goes.
Triple Threat Match: Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase
Another good lead in. The Legacy cut a good promo that looked like they were on the same page on the surface ("It doesn't matter which one of us wins, so long as Randy loses") but implies that DiBiase and Rhodes each think that they are the superior of the two. Was pretty impressed by Rhodes on the mic this week.
Who will win? Orton. It seems like this feud should last a bit longer and Orton has been getting beaten left and right so he needs a win to make it more equal. My guess is that Rhodes and DiBiase get distracted trying to be the one to actually pin Orton and get the win that the Viper will strike out of nowhere.
Who should win? DiBiase. He has more main event potential than Rhodes so having this under his belt could be a nice launching point for a singles career.
CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio
This is actually one of the best built matches on the card and one of the matches I'm most looking forward to. Punk's character has been killing every week. We all know that Punk and Mysterio can both turn out 5 star matches, so we'll see if they can put it all together this Sunday.
Who will win? CM Punk. Rey is merely a bump in the road until he returns his focus back to the main event.
Who should win? CM Punk. After Edge eventually wins the title from Jericho in a few months, count on CM Punk to come knocking on his door.
WM26 Projected Matches:
Interpromotional Womens Match: Michelle McCool (c - Womens), Maryse (c - Divas), & Layla vs. Beth Phoenix, Kelly Kelly, & Gail Kim
Without an announcement on Monday night, it seems more likely that the Women's division may be left off the card this year. Too bad. Maybe something will develop on Friday night.
Notables currently out in the cold at WrestleMania: Hart Dynasty, Mark Henry, Great Khali, Carlito
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